Eye Problems and Diseases

Have questions about an eye condition or vision problem? Browse our extensive list of doctor-written and doctor-reviewed articles for reliable, easy-to-understand information.

Please keep in mind that these articles are for general education purposes only. If you suspect you have an eye condition or vision problem or you have injured your eye, see an eye doctor immediately.

Acanthamoeba Keratitis

A rare but serious eye infection associated with poor contact lens hygiene and other factors.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Amblyopia is a vision development problem in infants and young children that can lead to permanent vision loss. Learn the symptoms, causes and treatments.


Usually caused by an irregular cornea, astigmatism causes blur at all distances. Also see the Eye Doctor Q&A on astigmatism.

Bell’s Palsy

This condition causes sudden paralysis of one side of the face. Because it affects blinking, it can cause severe dry eye.

Bionic Eye Implants

Learn about retinal implants that are restoring functional vision to people with retinitis pigmentosa and other blinding conditions.